Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stop That Yelling

I really love my granddaughter Hannah more than anything in the world. But I swear sometimes when she is in one of her yelling fits. I just want to pinch her head off.

It's just a southern expression, we really don't do that. But that doesn't mean that we don't want to sometimes.

For a child who is only 4 years old, she has the most piercing voice of any child I know. Sometimes when she doesn't get her way, she starts to scream and jump up and down in the middle of the room.

I can just imagine what my neighbors are thinking. I bet if they had spent any time with her, they would want to pinch her head off to.

Now this doesn't mean that she acts like that all the time, it only means that those times are the ones that come to mind first.

She is a very lovable child. She always tells me that she is so glad that I'm here with her. But when she comes into a room and starts to say she is sorry. I'm wondering what in the world has she gotten into now.

She told me tonight that she had to much toilet paper in the potty. I don't know what she was trying to cover up and I didn't want to know. I was just glad that she came and told me before she flushed the toilet.

Luckily for me and her, it was just a minor situation. But when she looks at me with her big blue eyes and tells me how much she loves me. I don't care what she does, as long as that never changes.

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