Saturday, February 16, 2008

Weather of the Day

We have a saying in Florida, if you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes and it will change.
I never know what to wear to work. I put on 4 layers of shirts and long johns, aka insulated underwear. But by the time lunch time comes around, you start peeling off clothes.

Or the morning starts off raining and cloudy and by the afternoon is beautiful and sunny. But I wouldn't change the weather for nothing. At least it keeps it interesting.

I really love the summer time. Going to the beach, parasailing, riding waverunners and fishing. The best thing about working on the gulf coast, is in the summer there is always something to do.

Of course along with it comes the horrific traffic from the tourists. I know I would be a gazillionaire if I got a nickel from every tourist that ask directions to somewhere.

The one thing I don't love about Florida weather is the humidity. Women everywhere will tell you what humidity will do to your hair. You have beautiful hair until you walk out the front door. All of sudden you look like you stuck your finger in a light socket.

Everyone seems to think that they should try to get their suntan on the first day. Of course anyone who has ever been to Florida in the summer, knows that's a major mistake. You always know a tourist when you see one. They have the look of a lobster off a grill that they forgot to turn over. And then they are miserable for the rest of their vacation.

Of course we have weather that I could definitely live without. Hurricanes and tornados. At least with hurricanes you have advanced warning. Not so much with tornados. Neither is a good thing. But I guess that is a small price to pay to live at the beach.

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