Monday, February 18, 2008

What are we going to do today?

Have you ever woken up on your day off and wonder, what am I going to do today?

I couldn't even begin to remember what that feels like. There is always something that needs to be done on days off. Like the ever growing pile of laundry, the grocery list that just keeps getting longer on the refrigerator door.

Remember when you were a kid and your biggest worry was which tennis shoes to wear that day. Or which one of your friends house to meet at.

Don't you remember the sound of the bell ringing at the end of the last day of school. You couldn't wait to get home and get out of your school clothes. And what about when you hated to get up early to catch the bus. But when you was off for the summer, you woke up early just to play.

In my day we didn't have nintendo or wii. We made our own fun. I remember when I was growing up in central Florida before my parents moved us to north Alabama. We did all kinds of things that had nothing to do with electronic games.

My parents took me and my two brothers camping on Crystal River and took us to the beach at Sarasota and Daytona Beach. We always seem to be going somewhere on the weekends.

I remember my dad trying to teach me and my brothers how to eat raw oysters. My brothers David and Wayne loved them. I just couldn't make myself eat them. My dad would put them on a cracker and put hot sauce on it for me. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't eat them.

My favorite thing was putting out traps to catch crabs. Now that was my favorite seafood to eat. Still is. One time my mom was boiling us some crabs that we had caught, but she put to much crab boil in the pot. The crab were so spicy that you couldn't even lick your fingers without feeling like your lips would burn off.

I'll never forget the time mom was picking up a crab, I don't know how she done it. But that crab latched onto her thumb. The only way to get that crab to release it's pincher, was to pry it off with a pair of pliers.

Then we moved to north Alabama and spent our summers camping out on Smith Lake. We never ran out of things to do. And the best thing was it didn't cost a week's pay to do it.

I miss those days of spending time with my family. It seems there is never enough hours in the day. Hope we all learn to slow down and smell the roses, before it's to late.

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