Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines Day (bah humbug) Oops Wrong Holiday

What is it with Valentines Day anyway? What is it about this holiday that make people spend almost as much money as they do on Christmas.

Yea, I know. This is when you are suppose to show the one you love how much they mean to you. But isn't that something you should do everyday? Think about it for a second. You pay an ungodly price for flowers, if you are lucky might last a week. You buy jewelry, hopefully not bought from a discount store. And if you did, after about a week of wear. Turns your loved ones skin green. Or if bought from a jewelry store, after a while put in a jewelry box with last years Valentine gift. And don't even get me started on the candy. Oh yea, we women love the chocolates. Of course we eat the whole box saying, I'll get back on my diet tomorrow. There are some of us, still waiting for that tomorrow.

Of course I'm almost forgetting the best gift of all. The bottle of perfume. There are two kinds of perfume. First there is the kind sold by the ounce and then there is the bargain perfume. You know the kind that your husband buys for you down at the flea market from some guy named Earl who is selling tools and real french perfume on the same table. You try to wear it because he bought for you but everytime you put it on, it burns a little and smell like kerosene. So you tell him that the kids broke the bottle playing in the bathroom and hope he never buys you kerosene scented perfume ever again.

But as I said, shouldn't you show them everyday. I not talking about spending money. Most of the things you could do are free and unscented. Just a little thought and time to do it.

You could tell your wife you will take the kids to school. But then later that night when your wife asks you if the kids had homework. You look at her with a blank look. She suddenly realize with horror that you didn't pick them up from school. Of course your response would be, I said I would take them to school. I didn't say anything about picking them up.

Maybe do something for her that doesn't involve your being responsible for someone smaller and younger than you. Aka the kids. Maybe clean up the kitchen and load the dishwasher for her after dinner. But make sure that if you run out of dishwashing detergent, that you don't go into the laundry room and get the clothes detergent. For some reason beyond me, clothes detergent and dishwashers don't work well together. I myself don't know why not. Washing detergent should be for what ever is dirty. Whether it be clothes, dishes, the dog. Dirty is dirty.

Or better yet, maybe bring home dinner. Tell her you are going to get some chicken. Of course don't come home 4 hours late with beer on your breath and a Hooter's bag of cold chicken wings. She might not buy your story that you had to wait a really long time for your order.

I myself have been married for 29 years this past January. I got my Valentines day gift early. My husband washed and waxed my car. That may not sound like much. But when you live in the south and have to drive on clay roads occasionally, it's like getting a diamond ring. Or at least to me. That car wash was worth more to me than any flowers, jewelry, or candy. Ok, maybe not the chocolate. But you know what I mean.

Everyday when I wake up and before I go to bed, I always tell my husband I love him. And I never hang up the phone without saying, I love you. If I never got to be with my husband and family ever again. I know in my heart that they know I loved them.

So you don't have to spend money to show how much you care. Of course I'm just speaking about me. But Honey if you want to get me that diamond ring, I promise I will take it.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Hay gal, I think u r doin a wunerful, wunerful, job with your blog page. U c I am from the south too so I can hang with u. Can't wait to c next weeks news. Keep up the good work or in the south Brake a laig. Charlotte