Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Head Is Full Of Cotton

I swear my head feels like someone filled it full of cotton balls. I love the spring time. But as I have gotten older, I started having allergies. So this whole week I have been so sick, that I would have to die to feel better.

Normally I am a very upbeat person. By the time I get to work, I have had a cup of coffee. So I'm usually pretty hyped up. You know on caffeine. But this week even the coffee doesn't help me feel better.

Of course everyone has to ask me if I'm sick. And I say maybe I have a sinus infection or a head cold. But what I really want to say is I may have some kind of infectious disease. And I'm very contagious.

Someone ask me this morning if I felt as bad as I looked. What kind of stupid thing is that for someone to say to somebody. It was so stupid, I didn't even respond to the question. I really wanted to say was, I will get well, what was their excuse for their looks.

I should have asked them if they needed help to get their foot out of their mouth. I know that sometimes I kind of let my mouth get ahead of my brain. I mean I'm famous for it.

But I always care about other peoples feelings. And I never would intentionally hurt someones feelings. Sometimes I think that I worry to much about other people. But don't you think that we have to take care of the people around us. It only takes a few seconds to show someone a little bit of kindness.

You maybe in a hurry, but it only takes a few extra seconds to wait and hold the door for some elderly person. Or ask someone how their day is.

The other day, I had stopped at the store to get something to drink. As I was going into the store, I noticed an elderly lady attempting to put gas into her car. I walked out to her and ask her if I could help her. She said thank you and that she wasn't strong enough to get the gas cap open. I opened the gas cap and told her that I would fill her car up for her. I had to even help her with swiping her credit card. We stood there and chatted while I filled up her car. She said that she hardly went anywhere and she only filled her car about once a month.

Even though I was in a hurry, it only took a few minutes to help this lady. And the way I look at it is, she was someones grandma.

What was I talking about, oh yea. Being sick and people asking me insensitive questions. Like I said I try to think of other peoples feelings. So the next time that you have something to say or do for someone. Think before you speak and think how it affects their feelings.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Not Another Reality Show

How many reality shows can we possibly watch? What I really mean is, what else can they make another reality show about. The only reason anyone would want to be on these shows are money and fifteen minutes of fame.

I mean why else would you go on a show and tell the truth when someone ask you a question. And then the husband or wife is all upset over the confessions of their spouses. You people can not be that stupid. What the heck did you think would happen? And what is even worse is that people watch these shows.

What is so fearful about eating worms or some other crap that they make the contestants eat. I mean my only fear would be throwing chunks on national televison. Wouldn't you hate to be known for throwing up all over everything on a show you were only on once?

And what about being left on some island and then have to compete against other idiots for a million dollar prize. The last commercial I saw on a show, one of the contestants had some kind of infection or something. Something life threatening. Is your health only worth a few hundred thousand dollars? And what's even worse you could get to the end and lose.

Or what about the shows about singing and dancing? There are some people who have no business singing, much less auditioning to sing on a national show. Don't you have a momma who loves you and should tell you that you can't sing? You do know that you sing on the shows, so why do you go on there with some kind of stupid costume? And try to act stupid enough to get on the show.

Or the tv stars that you haven't seen in awhile on anything, show up on a dancing show. Talk about wanting 15 minutes of fame. And what's even worse is their dancing is almost as bad as their acting.

Oh I almost forgot about the dating shows. It's a sad sad world, when people go on tv to find their true love. Are you kidding me. Why would you go on some show and make a complete fool of yourselve to maybe be chosen by some guy or geek. Don't you have any pride at all. Look around you. Your greatest love maybe someone you work with or someone you see everyday at the store when you are getting coffee. Not some bozo off some tv show.

I was hoping that reality shows were a passing fad. But there seems to be an unlimited amount of people who are more than eager to show their stupidity. It seems you don't need any talent to be a star. Hey, here's a name for a new reality show. Talent or No Talent.

I sure hope I don't get into trouble for saying that. Sounds to close to another tv show where people really get to act stupid.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What Was I Thinking?

Have you ever tried on and bought clothes, got them home and thought what was I thinking.

I personally think they have magic mirrors in the dressing room. The clothes look really good when you try them on. But what the heck happens after you pay for them and take them home.

At least that's what I think happens. Because I see people with clothes on that I wouldn't walk out of my house wearing. I wonder if you could order those magic mirrors off QVC or Home Shopping Network? I love to buy clothes, just look at my closet. I have some in my closet with the tags still on them that I won't wear because of the hideous look. I would donate them, but I'm so embarrassed that someone would know that I bought such ugly clothes.

But you know what they say one man's trash is another man's treasure. If these clothes are considered someones treasure, they don't have very high standards. Okay maybe they are not that bad. But I swear when I wear some of these clothes, I can hear people snickering after I walk by.

I'm sure there is really not any magic mirrors, but at least we have something to blame for our bad judgement of clothes. Now there is some people who no matter what mirrors they are using should know better than to buy those clothes. You know who you are. You're the person who bought the shirt that is so tight that your back fat rolls show. Hey I have them to, so I can say that. Or you wear pants that are so tight your waist kind of hangs over the sides. If you are not 12 years old, this is not a good look. What do they call that? Oh yea, muffin top.

Come on people you don't have to weigh 100 pounds to look good in your clothes. So stop dressing like you weigh 100 pounds. And ladies and gentlemen dress your age. You also know who you are. I mean come ladies, you can not wear a tube top when you are 60. Not unless you are Cher. And when you go to the beach, it doesn't matter if you are big or small, you cannot wear a bikini. Oh wait, unless you are Cher.

So the next time you go to buy clothes, take along friend. But be sure that they wear a different size than you, because you might like the outfit they try on. And it could be the only one on the rack. Of course I would just tell them how bad it looked on them and then tell the sales clerk to hold it for me. But you have to remember to not wear it when you go anywhere together. I really wouldn't do that to my friends. Would I?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Are We A Country of Lazy People?

Are we lazy? Ask yourselve that question the next time you want your kids to do something. Or maybe your spouse or someone who works for you.
I see it so much everyday day, that it drives me crazy. Now don't get me wrong, I like to sit in front of the tv and veg out on my days off to.
But I try to make an effort to do stuff if I have to.
What really drives me crazy is when I go to Wal-Mart, is all the empty buggies scattered all over the parking lot. And I don't mean in the place where they are suppose to go. What is with you people that you can't walk a few yards to put up a buggy. It's not like you have to walk a mile to do it.
And then if the wind is blowing, that buggy will roll into someones car. I don't know about you, but I do enough damage to my own car without any help from you lazy, inconsiderate people. It's bad enough that you don't pay attention when you get out and ding the car next to you with your door. You may not care if your car looks like it went through a hail storm, but I sure do.
I park way out in the parking lot away from everyone.
I was at Wal-Mart the other day and I parked way out in the parking lot just like I always do.
As I'm getting out a buggy rolls into my car. Luckily no dings. You better count yourself lucky that I didn't catch you not putting that buggy up. Of course I don't care for jail, so maybe lucky for me.
And why is it sometimes when you park way out in the parking lot, that someone with a piece of crap car parks next to you? What the 100 other spaces away from my car was not good enough. What, you think parking next to me is going to make your car look better. Sorry it doesn't work that way.
Hey I'm not downing you because of your crappy car. I use to drive a crappy car. I had a car that had rust spots larger than the good paint. And everytime that I closed the door or the trunk, a little piece of it fell off. The only good thing about that car was it was paid for.
So now I have a car that I pay an outrageous payment. So forgive me for being so particular about my car. All I'm saying is be a little considerate of other peoples car when you open your door and for goodness sake, put up that buggy. I've seen a few of you people, you need the exercise.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sunny Florida

Well it's spring break time again. I guess when college kids get spring break, the first place they want to go is Florida.

When I was in school, that's where we wanted to go to. But I never realized how obnoxious we were until I lived here.

I know that you are here to have fun and relax from school. But come on you yahoo's, did you forget your manners and how to drive?

It's not that hard to acknowledge when someone has done something for you. You know the words. Like thank you and you are welcome. My 3 year old granddaughter even knows the words.

And where in the world did you get your drivers license? Did you forget how to read street signs? You've seen them before, speed limit, no passing, yield, slower moving traffic stay in slow lane. These are not hard to understand.

What about the 2 second rule. If you have a driver's license and don't know what that means. Then you need some tutoring.

We have enough traffic accidents, without someone not paying attention to where they are going. There is no reason to ride on someones bumper. About the time you look off the road at some teeny bikini or muscle man. You have rear ended the car in front of you.

And just because there is room between 2 cars, doesn't mean you shouldn't use your turn signal to let them know you are coming into their lane. Everyone is usually polite and will let you in.

But if you cut them off and you have an out of state tag. Look out. Because if you do this to someone who has worked all day and then had to sit in traffic for an hour for a trip that normally takes 15 minutes. Watch your back. You better hope that you don't go to a restaurant that they work at. I would go somewhere else.

And of course lets not forget traffic weavers. You know who you are. You just can't stand when you are in heavy traffic and stay in one lane. I can understand changing lanes, but not 6 times before you get a mile down the road. You are not going to get there any faster. And it's like putting a flashing light on your car for law enforcement. They consider it aggressive driving. And that is a no no.

But let's not forget my personal pet peeve. When you are on a 4 lane highway and see a sign saying lane closing ahead. Don't continue driving on the closed lane to get to the front. It's not like you aren't seeing a sign 2 miles back telling you of the closing. If everyone started merging over as soon as they first see the sign, traffic would move so much smoother.

But that would make to much sense. And we all know that you left common sense at home.

So you race to the front and traffic has to stop and let you merge into traffic. Or else let you run into a concrete barricade. Of course this causes a chain reaction of traffic having to slow down. Eventually 2 miles back traffic has come to a complete stop.

Personally I say let them sit there until traffic has cleared enough to merge without traffic slowing down and let them in. I guarantee they wouldn't pull that crap anymore.

And one more thing, if you are going to walk somewhere. Use the crosswalks. Don't step out in front of a car thinking they will see you or even stop. You might just get somebody who has sat in traffic for a while because of an accident caused by a tourist not looking where they are going.

So just remember courtesy and common sense still apply on vacations. It's okay to have fun, just think about how your fun affects people around you.

I sound like my third grade teacher. Maybe I was listening in class and not daydreaming.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

We Love to eat in the south

We in the south love to eat. I didn't realize it until today just how much.

Today when my husband and myself went to dinner, we went to Golden Corral. You know the kind of place. The one that has a buffet with about 100 different kinds of food.

Ever since I started writing my blog, I started to pay attention to things around me. Just looking for ideas to write about. Well I found one today.

When we were seated, I started noticing the people around us. And the food on their plates.
Even though it's a buffet, that doesn't mean you are suppose to fill up your plate like it's your last meal. I mean, come people, how much food do you need on your first plate. You do know that they give you more plates.

But they pile their plates so high, that they hold their hands around the edge like it's going to fall off. And then most of the time, they don't even finish what they got on that massive plate of food. Didn't they get that lecture from their mothers when they were little to clean their plates. Something about starving children in other parts of the world.

And what is so sad, this is a true statement. I guess they were to busy filling up their plates to hear that story.

Now don't get me wrong, I like to eat as much as anybody. But when is it to much? If the price of gas keeps going up, food will not be so plentiful. So let's not eat it all at once. Wouldn't that be terrible if food had to be rationed. Sounds like stories of other countries that do that very thing.

Now I'm not trying to sound like gloom and doom. But we need to stop being so wasteful. Not only in food, but everything we do in our everyday lifes.

I sound like my mother. Wait, that's a good thing. Maybe if we listened to our mothers when we were younger, our lifes might not be so complicated. I sure wish my daughter would listen to me sometimes. I guess you have be old to learn that lesson. So if you still have your mother with you, listen to her a little more. She just might know what she is talking about. I know mine does.
At least I let her thinks she does. Just kidding Mom