Sunday, March 9, 2008

We Love to eat in the south

We in the south love to eat. I didn't realize it until today just how much.

Today when my husband and myself went to dinner, we went to Golden Corral. You know the kind of place. The one that has a buffet with about 100 different kinds of food.

Ever since I started writing my blog, I started to pay attention to things around me. Just looking for ideas to write about. Well I found one today.

When we were seated, I started noticing the people around us. And the food on their plates.
Even though it's a buffet, that doesn't mean you are suppose to fill up your plate like it's your last meal. I mean, come people, how much food do you need on your first plate. You do know that they give you more plates.

But they pile their plates so high, that they hold their hands around the edge like it's going to fall off. And then most of the time, they don't even finish what they got on that massive plate of food. Didn't they get that lecture from their mothers when they were little to clean their plates. Something about starving children in other parts of the world.

And what is so sad, this is a true statement. I guess they were to busy filling up their plates to hear that story.

Now don't get me wrong, I like to eat as much as anybody. But when is it to much? If the price of gas keeps going up, food will not be so plentiful. So let's not eat it all at once. Wouldn't that be terrible if food had to be rationed. Sounds like stories of other countries that do that very thing.

Now I'm not trying to sound like gloom and doom. But we need to stop being so wasteful. Not only in food, but everything we do in our everyday lifes.

I sound like my mother. Wait, that's a good thing. Maybe if we listened to our mothers when we were younger, our lifes might not be so complicated. I sure wish my daughter would listen to me sometimes. I guess you have be old to learn that lesson. So if you still have your mother with you, listen to her a little more. She just might know what she is talking about. I know mine does.
At least I let her thinks she does. Just kidding Mom

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