Friday, March 21, 2008

Not Another Reality Show

How many reality shows can we possibly watch? What I really mean is, what else can they make another reality show about. The only reason anyone would want to be on these shows are money and fifteen minutes of fame.

I mean why else would you go on a show and tell the truth when someone ask you a question. And then the husband or wife is all upset over the confessions of their spouses. You people can not be that stupid. What the heck did you think would happen? And what is even worse is that people watch these shows.

What is so fearful about eating worms or some other crap that they make the contestants eat. I mean my only fear would be throwing chunks on national televison. Wouldn't you hate to be known for throwing up all over everything on a show you were only on once?

And what about being left on some island and then have to compete against other idiots for a million dollar prize. The last commercial I saw on a show, one of the contestants had some kind of infection or something. Something life threatening. Is your health only worth a few hundred thousand dollars? And what's even worse you could get to the end and lose.

Or what about the shows about singing and dancing? There are some people who have no business singing, much less auditioning to sing on a national show. Don't you have a momma who loves you and should tell you that you can't sing? You do know that you sing on the shows, so why do you go on there with some kind of stupid costume? And try to act stupid enough to get on the show.

Or the tv stars that you haven't seen in awhile on anything, show up on a dancing show. Talk about wanting 15 minutes of fame. And what's even worse is their dancing is almost as bad as their acting.

Oh I almost forgot about the dating shows. It's a sad sad world, when people go on tv to find their true love. Are you kidding me. Why would you go on some show and make a complete fool of yourselve to maybe be chosen by some guy or geek. Don't you have any pride at all. Look around you. Your greatest love maybe someone you work with or someone you see everyday at the store when you are getting coffee. Not some bozo off some tv show.

I was hoping that reality shows were a passing fad. But there seems to be an unlimited amount of people who are more than eager to show their stupidity. It seems you don't need any talent to be a star. Hey, here's a name for a new reality show. Talent or No Talent.

I sure hope I don't get into trouble for saying that. Sounds to close to another tv show where people really get to act stupid.

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