Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sunny Florida

Well it's spring break time again. I guess when college kids get spring break, the first place they want to go is Florida.

When I was in school, that's where we wanted to go to. But I never realized how obnoxious we were until I lived here.

I know that you are here to have fun and relax from school. But come on you yahoo's, did you forget your manners and how to drive?

It's not that hard to acknowledge when someone has done something for you. You know the words. Like thank you and you are welcome. My 3 year old granddaughter even knows the words.

And where in the world did you get your drivers license? Did you forget how to read street signs? You've seen them before, speed limit, no passing, yield, slower moving traffic stay in slow lane. These are not hard to understand.

What about the 2 second rule. If you have a driver's license and don't know what that means. Then you need some tutoring.

We have enough traffic accidents, without someone not paying attention to where they are going. There is no reason to ride on someones bumper. About the time you look off the road at some teeny bikini or muscle man. You have rear ended the car in front of you.

And just because there is room between 2 cars, doesn't mean you shouldn't use your turn signal to let them know you are coming into their lane. Everyone is usually polite and will let you in.

But if you cut them off and you have an out of state tag. Look out. Because if you do this to someone who has worked all day and then had to sit in traffic for an hour for a trip that normally takes 15 minutes. Watch your back. You better hope that you don't go to a restaurant that they work at. I would go somewhere else.

And of course lets not forget traffic weavers. You know who you are. You just can't stand when you are in heavy traffic and stay in one lane. I can understand changing lanes, but not 6 times before you get a mile down the road. You are not going to get there any faster. And it's like putting a flashing light on your car for law enforcement. They consider it aggressive driving. And that is a no no.

But let's not forget my personal pet peeve. When you are on a 4 lane highway and see a sign saying lane closing ahead. Don't continue driving on the closed lane to get to the front. It's not like you aren't seeing a sign 2 miles back telling you of the closing. If everyone started merging over as soon as they first see the sign, traffic would move so much smoother.

But that would make to much sense. And we all know that you left common sense at home.

So you race to the front and traffic has to stop and let you merge into traffic. Or else let you run into a concrete barricade. Of course this causes a chain reaction of traffic having to slow down. Eventually 2 miles back traffic has come to a complete stop.

Personally I say let them sit there until traffic has cleared enough to merge without traffic slowing down and let them in. I guarantee they wouldn't pull that crap anymore.

And one more thing, if you are going to walk somewhere. Use the crosswalks. Don't step out in front of a car thinking they will see you or even stop. You might just get somebody who has sat in traffic for a while because of an accident caused by a tourist not looking where they are going.

So just remember courtesy and common sense still apply on vacations. It's okay to have fun, just think about how your fun affects people around you.

I sound like my third grade teacher. Maybe I was listening in class and not daydreaming.

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